Our 100th Day {& I survived!}

Today was our 100th day of school!  On our Career Day in the fall, one of the florists from our local Kroger stopped in to show the children how to arrange flowers and had all of her balloon equipment.  One of the teachers spoke with her about coming in for our 100th day.  Here is her creation!
My kiddos stayed very busy today ...
we read books
wrote about 100 things we could eat and 100 things we could not eat
"I could eat 100 green olives but I could not eat 100 bowls of stuffing."
"I could eat 100 apple slices, but I could not eat 100 hot dogs!"
"I could eat 100 popcorn, but I could not eat 100 bowls of ice cream."
and shared our 100 Day posters that the children brought in from home (this is a great project that our kiddos do with mom and dad at home each year)
Happy 100th Day!

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