What we've been up to (with a new freebie!)

I can't believe it ... we have 14 more school days! Since we have already administered our end of the year reading and math assessments (and today I finished PALS!), we are reviewing.
Administering PALS tests
I decided to purchase Bubble Gum Math Timed Addition Tests by Fluttering Through First Grade (from their TpT store) to work on fact fluency. My first graders have completely embraced it!
Addition Math Facts Timed Tests- Bubble Gum Math
I changed some of the elements to make it work in my classroom. I used these file folders I already had and found large library pockets at my nearby teacher supply store. The children keep their completed quizzes in the pocket. As they master a quiz (with 100%), they get a "bubble gum" sticker, labeled with that quiz to place in their gumball machine. 

 After I check their quiz, I grab the next quiz from my box and place it on the top of their stack and slide everything back into the pocket. I'm amazed how my struggling children are embracing this and so excited about math!
In case you can't find large library pockets nearby, click here chevron large library pockets to see these pockets.

I just opened a Teacher's Notebook store!
My Bug Punctuation Write the Room is a freebie there! There are 12 sentence cards, along with a recording page, to mark the correct punctuation mark.

Happy Monday!

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