
Why do we rely on calendars?
I'm talking about missing a doctor's appointment, lunch date with a friend, or taking treats to your kid's school.
Whether your calendar looks like this ...

Or maybe you had a tear off calendar on your desk at one time like this one.
Or maybe a little more upscale like this.
Or you're completely digital like this.
We all find it necessary to be organized! 

One of the standards in the Standards of Learning in Virginia states that first graders will use calendar language appropriately - words such as yesterday, today, tomorrow, days, months, next week, and last week

To work on this standard, I created some simple little calendars using the 2017 months of April, May, and June to practice. Today my first graders used the April calendar and questions. The calendar packet has 2 pages for each calendar and will be a freebie until March 9, 2017, so snatch it up quickly!

Until next time,

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