I am linking up with Freebielicious for Fabulicious Freebies on the First!
On Fridays I try to recap what we've learned for the week by playing games. I've been battling the effects of a stomach bug for quite some time (yes, I probably should go to the doctor), so yesterday we played extra games. The kiddos were so great and we had a lot of fun! After teaching fourth grade for eight years, I understand the importance of sight words in the primary grades. Not just recognizing sight words, but be able to read and use them in context. I have recently created additional sight word activities, including this second grade "I have ... who has?" game packet. It includes all of the words from the second grade list, but since there are so many words, I divided them into two games. Even with having a large class, I have enough cards for all of my children to play these games.
Please click HERE to get your own set of cards!
Great freebie! Thanks for sharing!
Jen's Kinder Kids
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