I have a couple of students and we are working on number sense to be ready for second grade. Here's a peek into some of the activities, along with links to some of the products that I have used, along with a freebie for you to download of tens and ones cards.
We started out using dry erase boards and markers (I stocked their desks with supplies so they don't need to borrow from anyone else - and that's not possible anymore!) with writing the number shown. I used these magnetic base 10 blocks that are magnetic! I found them on Amazon.
Then we used these task cards that I made to practice writing. We use prodigy online and some of the problems were tricking my guys so the cards were a practice before we got online.
Click on the picture of HERE to download the tens and ones cards.
Then we practiced using these task cards from TpT by The Chocolate Teacher.
I absolutely love these tens and ones pictures and own most of them! Since it's summer, we are working on the beach picture. Check out Teach With Laughter for great ideas!
I hope this gives you some ideas of different things to use and that you will be back in the classroom soon! Short vowel ideas coming soon.....
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