It's Friday!

Happy Friday!

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for my Five for Friday!

1. The 1st grade field trip was this week.  We went to the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre for "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" and other stories performed by TheatreWorks USA.  The kids were great AND had a blast!  It was supposed to rain, but as we were leaving the theatre for the park for our picnic, the sky cleared and we had a wonderful 2 1/2 hours playing!

2. A couple of weeks ago I started a money reward system in my classroom.  The children can earn play money during the day (following directions the first time, being kind and compassionate towards a classmate, being respectful to adults, etc.), but can also lose money.  We shop on Fridays!
some of the goodies they can "purchase"
making a purchase
One of my kiddos asked how much the vinegar was.  When I had a very confused look on my face, he pointed to the water bottle mixed in with the items they can purchase.  Laughing, I told him it was left over from my lunch.  He replied, asking me how much for the water.  When I told him one million dollars, he started giggling.  I love first graders!

3. Today was tie-dye day.  My friend, Andrea (from Reading Toward the Stars!), and I have matching shirts from a trip to King's Dominion several years ago.  Tie-dye day is the ONLY time I wear it!

4. Today was our pinterest party!  We get together about once a month for food and a craft of some kind.  We have made Easter wreaths and Christmas candy.  Today's craft was cards.  My favorite is the top left - all dots with a little ribbon.  I haven't made cards in several years and after this afternoon's fun, I am going to jump back in!

5. I LOVE praise music!  I have skips in my Chris Tomlin CD because I listen to it all the time!  This is one of my favorite's.

Have a blessed weekend!


  1. I love the idea of a Pinterest party! The cards turned out so cute! The polka dotted one is definitely my favorite too.

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I love praise music too - soo much. I only listen to worship music in the car mainly...of course the occasional 80's music might come on. :o) I have several shirts that I only bring out for school spirit days so I can totally relate. LOL
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  3. Most of my t-shirts are for school related stuff. I love that band-aid card!!! So cute!


  4. Our second graders are finishing up their economics unit and are doing school store next Friday and we are giving out fake money they can use to buy things there! So fun!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  5. I love first sweet and innocent. They crack me up! We had Peace Day at our school today, so I was wearing the tie dye as well. Too funny! Happy to be your newest follower.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  6. Hi~I found your blog via the linky. :) I'm Brandee, your newest follower. :)

    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners


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