random Monday

Today was planned as a staff development day.  Until we got four inches of snow yesterday and another two overnight!  Here's a couple of pictures from yesterday.

this is during the snow; Josh worked on shoveling throughout so we wouldn't get iced in
I just finished by Buggy About Math! {centers} and have it posted here.  The first two to comment about their math unit will receive my center packet for free.  Be sure to leave an email address!

I am helping Mo with her 100 follower giveaway.  Click here or on the image below to go to her blog!  She also has a freebie in her post!


  1. This is really cute! We are taking a little detour into money before going back to place value in math. ahenry4443ah@gmail.com

  2. I am teaching about insects when we come back from break! I would love your buggy about math centers...they would be perfect!

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  3. Hi Sarah,
    These are really cool math centers. After spring break, we will be looking at place value.

    I would love a copy of your Buggy Math Centers for my kiddos. My email is foxysexyroxy10@yahoo.com

    Take care and God bless.

  4. Thanks for sharing! I am about to choose winners! Good Luck!
    Visit More Than Math by Mo


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